Your intelligent shopping assistant. Save money, Save time, Make the best use of your cards and nearby (location based) deals.
Xoolit keeps you informed about the deals and savings from your favorite stores. Shop from your local stores with more discounts.
Xoolit prioritizes bringing you deals and savings based on your preferred shopping categories.
Xoolit delights you by figuring and suggesting the card to use to complete your purchase.
Xool Global, Stay Local
As a business owner, you can delight your local customers by exclusive deals, live and location based, and promotions.
Registration is a breeze , and you take full control of what to promote, when to promote and the discount offered.
Xoolit member: With Xoolit, you can explore the world of deals and enjoy exclusive rewards while supporting your local community businesses.
Amazing features
which change the way you shop
Smart Shopping Assistant
Your intelligent shopping assistant. Save money, Save time, Make the best use of your cards and nearby (location based) deals.Favorite Stores and local
Xoolit keeps you informed about the deals and savings from your favorite stores. Shop from your local stores with more discounts.Favorite Categories
Xoolit prioritizes bringing you deals and savings based on your preferred shopping categories.Cards and Rewards
Xoolit delights you by figuring and suggesting the card to use to complete your purchase.Amazing features which change the way you shop